Wednesday, August 14, 2019
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I was going to start this post off with some sentimental stuff about how I can't believe summer is almost over - but honestly, I'm like, "GIRL BYE." It was HOT. It's still hot. It's not even over yet. Which is why it's still okay for me to post this sharing all our summer faves. If I was a good blogger, a post like this should've been posted back in like, May - but it's the thought that counts, so 💁.

Hands down, our favorite toy and the one that has gotten the most use this summer, has been this Fisher Price My First Splash & Slide ($199)! The price is a little rough but I swear, I would've paid double that with how much we use this! Every morning, we run out and I set up the blower (it comes with it) to our extension cord and this baby is up within a minute. I run some water through it so it's filled up enough to be a small wading pool and then usually come back in the afternoon when it's all warmed up from the sun.

Can I also mention that my kids HATED water. Like, even bath time was the worst. But for some reason, they took to this and it's totally changed their view on water! My youngest doesn't like the sprayer at the top so sometimes I'll just turn that off (it's separate and just hooked up to your hose) and he likes to slide down with the left over water.


  • I feel like every year, finding a sunscreen that is safe for the little guys gets tougher and tougher. We've been loving Babyganics SPF50 Sunscreen ($10) lately! I accidentally only covered my fiance's top half of his back with this and let's just say there was a clear line where sunscreen was applied and where it wasn't. Ooops!
  • Keeping the kids hydrated is my number one priority! We love these CamelBak Eddy Kids cups ($10.99). They come in a bunch of different designs, keep their drinks cool and come apart easily to clean. We love the CamelBaks but I've been looking at this O2Cool Mist 'N Sip ($9.99) recently and might grab it for the boys.
  • I might be weird, but we like using bath towels for outdoor towels. The boys have something like these Hooded Bath Towels ($15.49) and we love them!

How have you been spending your summer?