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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Valentine's Day Occasions Bin

One of our favorite "new" traditions for almost every holiday since the kids were little is creating an occasions bin. The occasions bin idea came from Occasions By Shakira (she is amazing!) and we've incorporated it into every single holiday since!

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Gift Guide: For Toddler Girls (4 years old)

The last gift guide is for little chickadees (2-4 years old)! Again, I know these are way past Christmas but I recommend coming back if you need suggestions for upcoming birthdays. Best part of sharing a gift guide way past Christmas is at least I can let you know if it was a hit or miss! 

Friday, January 17, 2025

Gift Guide: The Little Guys (6-8 years old)

Moving onto to B's gift guide! Again, I know I'm sharing these way after Christmas but might  I suggest using these as a good reference for birthday gifts this year? The plus side to sharing after the holidays? I can let you know if they were an actual hit or a big miss.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Gift Guide: The Older Boys (8-10 years old)

(If you're reading this after Christmas, no you're not. 😜 Refer back to this for birthday presents!)
I had planned on doing gift guides for all my children's age groups for Christmas but I ended up going the chill "influencer" route and shared them on Instagram and LTK and never on here. That's no bueno because my blog is my baby. So here I am sharing my children's gift guides in January. I suggest bookmarking these for birthday gift ideas. The plus side of sharing them after Christmas? I can tell you what my kids really thought about them and if they were a hit or miss!

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

DIY Cardboard Gingerbread House

I just wanted somewhere permanent to share this cardboard gingerbread house we made for Christmas in July at a campground last summer. We had two weeks to come up with something (hi, camping last minute on a theme weekend 😆) but we really wanted to put some oomph into it. My dad was able to grab some large cardboard boxes from his work, we pulled down some of our Christmas decorations and went to town!

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Dye-Free Treat Holiday Charcuterie Board

Save this for next year as a reference for some great dye-free options for the holidays!