Friday, April 25, 2014
I can't believe I'm already five months along. What started as dragging is starting to pick up into a mad dash. It'll be early September before I know - ahem. It's not even summer yet. I won't even say it. I'm not sure if we're on the ball or off but we have yet to register, check out cribs and strollers nor purchase anything that isn't clothes. Oops. We still have four more months, right?
So at my last doctor's appointment, I had high blood pressure for the third time in a row. Wah :( So my doctor has ordered me to stop drinking soda (I hate soda) and eating salty food (I love salt). I don't, however, really think it's salt that's giving me high blood pressure because even though I love it, I don't really eat that much of it. I'm thinking I have high blood pressure from stress. I'm a total worrier. Work, money, the new house, family - the list goes on and on. But I'm cutting out salt until my next appointment just in case. She wants to see me back in two weeks.
How far along? 20 weeks - half way there!
Total weight gain: 6 pounds
Maternity clothes? I think I might buy some more. They're so comfy!
Stretch marks? None. Hoping that stays until the end.
Sleep: Insomnia has definitely taken over. It's an early night if I fall asleep before 1AM.
Miss Anything? Sleeping normally. Also, laying on my stomach. I used to be able to up until last week. Now it feels like I'm laying on a weird rock.
Movement: YES! I'm almost 100% positive now I can feel him. He switches sides on where he lays. Ant also felt him.
Food cravings: Nothing crazy. Probably the same as last week. I could really go for a McDonalds Ranch BLT Chicken sandwich, fries and a Starbucks frapp. Don't judge me!
Food cravings: Nothing crazy. Probably the same as last week. I could really go for a McDonalds Ranch BLT Chicken sandwich, fries and a Starbucks frapp. Don't judge me!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing.
Gender: It's a boy! We had the anatomy scan on Monday and everything looks awesome and he's 100% boy!
Labor Signs: -------
Symptoms: --------
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On but I noticed it gets a little tough to pull off sometimes.
Gender: It's a boy! We had the anatomy scan on Monday and everything looks awesome and he's 100% boy!
Labor Signs: -------
Symptoms: --------
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On but I noticed it gets a little tough to pull off sometimes.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy but extremely bitchy at times.
Looking forward to: Holding him. Ha! It's gone from finding out what the gender is, to making sure he's okay to now I just want to see him. I'll be waiting awhile :) Until then, I'm looking forward to shopping! Also, tomorrow we're going to a motocross event in NJ. Can't wait!
Awww. aren't y'all cute?!!! Mom and baby bump.
ReplyDeleteI'm 2 weeks behind you! You look great!
ReplyDeleteAww!! You look adorable! Time is flying! :)
ReplyDeleteYou look great! These next four months will go by before you know it. You do have time though so don't stress too much and just enjoy the pregnancy and as much couple time as you can before your little guy gets here. Thank you for sharing your journey with us!
ReplyDeleteWith my first pregnancy, I really wanted to eat tacos and with my second one, I wanted to eat Lay's original chips more often than I usually did.
ReplyDeleteYou are one gorgeous preggo, my lady!! I'm a huge lover of salt too. With both of my pregnancies I had a HUGE aversion to meat and I just couldn't stomach the texture or smell. Which freaked out my husband because he's a big meat eater haha.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see your beautiful baby! I hope your blood pressure comes down too!