Sunday, July 20, 2014

Hey loves! So recently, I was asked by the Regency Beauty Institute how beauty and the people who make it, have impacted my life to share awareness of their #ShareBeauty contest they're holding where you can win a customized VIP treatment worth $2,000 courtesy of Regency Beauty Institute and Refinery29.

Regency Beauty Institute is one of the leading cosmetology schools in the nation. They have 88 campuses across the country and have been able to grow over the years by taking an innovative approach to learning and helping students to turn their creativity into beautiful careers. The “#ShareBeauty” campaign celebrates beauty and the people who make it. Our mission is a big one: create a movement celebrating beauty as a creative career, a gift that matters and something that has a positive effect on the world around us.

First off, how cute is this "Beauty Grew All Around" video? I've been humming this all day.

So how has beauty (and the people who make it) impacted my life? As a beauty blogger, I thought the answer would come easily but I've realized (especially over the past five years), that beauty is so much more than what people give it credit for. I've always thought that beauty is being the best possible version of yourself inside and out. So to me, these influential people who have used beauty to impact me aren't necessarily who you think they'd be. Sure, it's that nail artist that has insane nail tutorials that I try to copy (I mean, c'mon, how do they do their right hand!?) to make my nails look awesome, those beauty gurus I follow on YouTube to contour my face or do my hair a certain way but they're also artists who have showed me things aren't always what they appear through paintings; writers through stories, teachers who gave me confidence throughout the years even when bullies tried to take it and my mom who went through breast cancer and chemo and showed me that strength is one of the most beautiful things of all that no amount of mascara and bronzer can give you.

How to enter the #sharebeautycontest:

Entering the contest is easy!
• Try one trend (or all of them). Trends will be posted each week at the Regency landing page
• Take a photo
• Share it on Instagram (Your account must be public.)
• Hashtag each photo with #ShareBeautyContest.

Contest runs from July 8th-August 13th. One lucky winner will be chosen from the hashtags. Each person who enters will have the opportunity to win a customized VIP beauty treatment worth $2,000 from Regency and Refinery29. #sharebeauty #sharebeautycontest

* This post is sponsored by Regency Beauty Institute but all my opinions are my own.