Saturday, August 13, 2022

T-minus three weeks until we start school here and what better way to celebrate than with a fun occasions bin?! The occasions bin, created by the absolutely wonderful, is such an easy way to get hyped to celebrate a holiday or special occasion and keep everything all in one spot! 


I love a good occasions bin! This back-to-school occasions bin is filled with re-used paper goods from other seasons/holidays. Can you spot them?

  1. pencil napkins - Can you even? The cutest little pencil napkins I ever did see.
  2. apple plates - Another fave of mine! I can definitely reuse these for fall time as well.
  3. star board - A goodie reused from our 4th of July bin! I found this little guy in the Target Bullseye's Playground for $5 during the summer but  as of a few days ago, have still see them in there!
  4. black and white dip bowl - Unfortunately, this little guy is also from Target's Bullseye's Playground area, a few years ago, but I haven't found him since. The Anthro latte bowls would be a great substitute!
  5. star cookie cutters - A Hobby Lobby find! I can't link them online but they're definitely still in stores.
  6. back to school confetti -
  7. first day of school pennant - A printable from ThreadMama. I joined her Patreon a few months ago and it's been the best thing ever. I can download and print out her latest (as well as her older) printables as much as I want.
  8. lunch notes - Also a printable from ThreadMama!