Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Behold! One of my favorite nail polishes of all time: Nerd Lacquer I Think You Call Me...Sexy! Or a version of it. Hold on, this doesn't look like other blogger's swatches - what the heck is up with that, Noelle? Well, my dear readers, that's because my NL's glitters bled. *GASPS - SIGHS - BLOODCURDLING SCREAMS ARE HEARD THROUGHOUT HOMES ACROSS THE WORLD* Alas, this post is to show you that bleeding glitters can actually make a pretty gorgeous polish. Now I know a lot of you are probably thinking, "Why aren't you mad? This is an uproar!" My view on this is as follows: Okay. It bled. So what? I'm a roll-with-the-punches kind of girl. To be honest,  I actually had no clue the glitters bled until I was researching how many types of glitters were in this thing and noticed that my bottle looked nothing like the others. Even better, I love this version over the original. When life hands you lemons, make a gorgeous polish out of - Wait. That doesn't make sense. Oh, you guys know what I mean.

Nerd Lacquer I Think You Call Me...Sexy is from the Mad Man With a Box trio and the name is from a line in a Doctor Who episode. 

The original ITYCMS had a royal blue base with silver, iridescent, holographic and blue hexes. The bled out version is a deep blurple jelly base with silver, blue, orange and yellow hexes. I think I like the bled out version better!

Macro bottle shot. It kind of looks like a galaxy in there!

Don't kill me but I've never watched a Doctor Who episode before!

The lighting made this look more sheer than it actually is. 

I didn't even notice but holy wear on the edges! Apologies but you cannot put this on and not keep it on for a while after. :)

Macro nail shot. I'm lovin' how glitter packed this polish is!

Where To Buy: Unfortunately, Amanda (of Nerd Lacquer) has gone MIA and all businesses associated with her have dropped her line making Nerd Lacquers extremely hard to come by. Your best bet is to buy a money tree, harvest it and then check out eBay and its prices or keep an eye open on blog sales!