Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Jammies! Pajamas. Jam-jams. Pa-jah-mas. Whatever. You guys know I love them! And Halloween. And my kids. So it was kind of a no-brainer that I just combine all of these together and share it with you guys, round up style!
I've also compiled a few of our favorite Halloween themed books - for littles and toddlers - along with our fave spooky jammies. I mean, books go with jammies like peanut butter with jelly, am I right?
Jammies: Crazy 8 on Brody + Carter's on Hunter | Trick or Treat Buckets: Target ($3)

When it comes to jammies, I like them cute, soft and not expensive. Because they're kids and those jammies are bound to be worn out to play at least once. I'm just keepin' it real here. I threw in the J. Crew jammies ($30) which are kind of over my price point but they're cute and I couldn't resist!
I'm not quite sure why I started this little tradition but ever since the boys have been born, I've been giving them (and our friends and family) books instead of cards. Then family started gifting us books and needless to say, much to my delight, we have a little library going on. I love reading and thankfully, my boys love it too. Here's our faves:
  • Llama Llama Trick or Treat by Anna Dewdney - I mean, how can you not love the Llama Llama books!?
  • Halloween ABC by Jannie Ho - I love this book because it has a letter for each page and the sentence includes that one letter in as many words as possible in the sentence. I have fun saying it and my kids like to sound out the letters with me.
  • Little Blue Truck's Halloween by Alice Schertle - Oh man, the Little Blue Truck books are some of my boy's faves!
  • Eek! Halloween! by Sandra Boynton - I may or may not have almost all of Sandra Boynton's books. I love her writing style. Her books are so fun to read!
  • All Aboard The Spooky Express by Eric James - We have the Connecticut version of this book so all the places and locations in this book are replaced with places in CT. I'm pretty sure they have a "state" version of the book for every state.
  • Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson - Netflix has a cute little animated short of this book that my boys love watching which is what made me buy the book.
  • Don't Push The Button! Halloween by Bill Cotter - My kids get a kick of these books!
  • 10 Trick or Treaters by Janet Schulman - Brody is really into counting right now so I bought this book in the hopes that he'll start counting all the numbers instead of just "7, 8, 9, 10!"